Developing a web application to reduce the spread of Covid-19 through monitoring and education
In light of Covid-19 and given the potential for other infectious disease outbreaks, Innovation Partners Institute has launched a program to help schools and companies manage students, employees, and visitors to limit and reduce the spread of disease within close-contact populations.
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- Led by Bharath B. Reddy Bynagari
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- Funded by Christian Kanady SMART Coalition
Project Overview & Summary
In light of Covid-19 and given the potential for other infectious disease outbreaks, Innovation Partners Institute has launched a program to help schools and companies manage students, employees, and visitors to limit and reduce the spread of disease within close-contact populations.
The project has developed an application called KeepOthersSafe for students and working professionals to facilitate engagement, monitoring and compliance with public health and organizational protocols aimed at limiting and reducing infection from infection diseases.
The application:
- Facilitates an understanding of community expectations and norms.
- Provides education and reinforcement of healthy behaviors based on CDC and institution-specific protocols and guidelines.
- Facilitates self-monitoring of symptoms and contacts.
- Reports symptoms and risks to designated healthcare professionals.
- Reinforces daily participation and compliance.
- Provides a visible indication to third parties upon request of the subject’s risk level.
- Has been developed and architected as a “Software as a Service” application.
- Has been developed for iOS, Android and Web.
- Has a web application for administration and management of the application including functionality for monitoring subject specific alerts, cohort dashboards and questionnaire customization.
- Is fully HIPAA compliant.